
Shattered Tower RPG

Created by Andrea Macchi

Mythpunk RPG set in a hostile world, built on the ashes of an older and forgotten one, focused on survival and exploration.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Vanguard's May Update
over 3 years ago – Mon, May 31, 2021 at 10:05:59 PM

Good afternoon everybody!

Yesterday we've received the second third of the translated Shattered Tower, and we're starting to put it together with the first piece, so to maybe be able to show you some layouts with material not already presented in the quickstart adventure, in the next update.  The third cut is going to be sent out to the translator real soon!

As we said last time, there's still some work to do: not just the translations to be finished, but also the line editing of the received material, layout, etc. but we're finally getting this game ready and set for you all :)

thank you again, as always, for the patience and  support, you could easily win the "most patient backers out there" prize, hands down :P 


See you soon! <3 

Epic Party Games

Rising Against the Dryads!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 04:16:18 AM

Good evening B a c k e r z,

We have just received the first third of the corebook translated by the new guy we employed for the job after our recent misadventure, and we will now proceed with the editing, while a second cut has already been sent out to get transalted too. 

There's still work to do, we're not saying we'll be able to close and deliver the project in a very-short time, but we are getting real close to the finish line of this whole thing, eventually :)

We'll try to keep you posted on this semi-final part of the work more frequently - as you've been requesting tons of times - so every month we'll try to give you at least one update on the project state and maybe some preview, if possible :) 

As always we hope everybody is SAFE and well. Have a good day/night!

love & peace

Epic Party Games 

over 3 years ago – Mon, Mar 08, 2021 at 06:06:35 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Happy New Year! ..Vanguard-Santa is late, but Shattered Tower is coming.
over 3 years ago – Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 04:54:02 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Shattered Tower International Vers. ETA
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 04:05:39 PM

Good afternoon!

We'd like to apologize once more for the delay, the product should've been ready last spring, but - as we all know and should understand (some better than others, depending on their experience) - COVID hasn't been a joke. As we said more than once, our "real" jobs, those that pay food&rent&bills, went all over the place with the pandemic, and we've been forced to look for and take other paying-jobs, putting them first even though this is of course bad for this entire project and its small but great community. 

We're trying our best to make up for lost time, but our working situation outside Epic Party LTD is still very precarious. In fact, we're lucky we had the opportunity to take other jobs that brought also to a new partnership with another Publishing Company for our second game in production (First Kings RPG) that should give us the right time to finish, print and ship Shattered Tower by the end of this year

We now confirm Shattered Tower's ETA is going to be the end of this year. 

It's more than a commitment, it has to be a promise. So, you finally won't have to still wait for Shattered Tower in 2021, which is a cold comfort indeed, but the best comfort we're able to provide right now. 

All the love and respect for you guys. Thank you once again. <3